Stephanie Steinmetz
In her EMOS webinar, Stephanie Steinmetz gave insights into the topic:
"Labour market inequalities in Europe"
The main focus of the webinar was on:
identifying the (combinations) of individual-level characteristics that predict the extent to which people are in a vulnerable labour market position
It employs an intersectional perspective to measuring vulnerability
Particular attention to methodological challenges to identify and monitor vulnerable groups in different European datasets over time.
Stephanie Steinmetz is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Lausanne and Amsterdam where she is a member of the Life Course and Inequality Centre (LIVES) and FORS. Her research focuses on educational and labour market vulnerabilities from a cross-national and intersectional perspective. Currently, she is the PI of PROFEM a European Research Council (ERC, 2022-2027) approved project and Co-PI of the HORIZON Europe project EQUALSTRENGTH (2023-2026) both focusing on (female) immigrant’s integration and experiences of discrimination in host societies. In addition, she is Co-PI of the Swiss SNF project CovidGen which focuses on the consequences of the COVID measures on youth wellbeing in Switzerland. Moreover, she is Secretary
Webinar details
Webinar aims:
The seminar aims to offer participants an overview of causes and consequences of belonging to a ‘vulnerable’ group on labour outcomes and how institutions shape cross-national differences.
Description of the webinar:
In “risk” or “uncertain” societies, vulnerability is a growing concern for individuals, political leaders, and academics. The European Commission describes vulnerable groups as groups that experience a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion than the general population. These groups include for instance ethnic minorities, migrants, disabled people, those struggling with substance abuse but also sexual minorities and younger people. All of them often face difficulties that can lead to further social exclusion, such as low levels of education and unemployment or underemployment.