Sarah Bohnensteffen
Sarah Bohnensteffen has studied sociology and official statistics at the Universities of Heidelberg, Germany and Complutense de Madrid, Spain. During her EMOS she completed internships at the National Statistical Institutes Destatis and INE Spain. Since 2020, she is working at the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis) as a data scientist, conducting research on new digital data sources and microsimulation models. Since 2022 she is simultaneously pursuing a doctoral degree in economic and social statistics at the University of Trier.
Student experience in the spotlight:
‘Cross border mobility opportunities for EMOS students’
Sarah shared her own experiences on cross-border mobility related to her EMOS studies as an EMOS graduate. Among other things, she answered questions about it come about that she went abroad for EMOS, how she experienced the internship at INE Spain or which learnings are most valuable to her in her current job as a research associate at the Federal Statistical Office of Germany.