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EMOS workshop 2022​

The 8th EMOS workshop ‘EMOS reloaded: new perspectives and instruments for teaching official statistics’ took place on 20 September 2022 at Centro Congressi ‘Le Benedettine’ in Pisa, Italy, bringing together around 80 participants: representatives of EMOS labeled Master programmes and of organisations producing official statistics , EMOS Board members, invited speakers, EMOS students and graduates, staff from the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa and Eurostat.

The focus of the workshop was on recent developments in EMOS and, more broadly, in official statistics and higher education. Sessions included a presentation and discussion on the achievements and future outlook for EMOS, an overview of teaching material created as part of EMOS and opportunities for its sharing, the launch of cross-border mobility opportunities, and the use of open-source software in teaching official statistics.

You can find a short summary of every session as well as the slides of each speaker below.


‘EMOS: where we are and where we want to go’


‘Student experience in the spotlight: cross-border mobility opportunities for EMOS students’


‘Open source software for official statistics: experiences in teaching to EMOS students’

Keynote speech

‘Official statistics and privately held data: challenges of today pave the way to the best practices of the future’

The discussions that took place as part of each of the sessions shed new light on the challenges as well as the opportunities that can be leveraged to maximise the contribution of these initiatives to the achievement of the objectives of EMOS.

During breaks throughout the day, participants could familiarise themselves with specific EMOS study programmes, students’ thesis and traineeship projects by viewing the posters prepared and presented by programme representatives and students.

In case you have missed the EMOS workshop 2022, you can find the programme, the recordings of both sessions, and some pictures from the workshop below

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